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property EditMask: TEditMask read FEditMask write SetEditMask default 0;


__property EditMask = {default=0};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Data.DB TStringField


Contains a mask that restricts the data that can be entered into a data field.

Data.DB.TStringField.EditMask inherits from Data.DB.TField.EditMask. All content below this line refers to Data.DB.TField.EditMask.

Contains a mask that restricts the data that can be entered into a data field.

Use EditMask to restrict the characters a user can enter. If the user attempts to enter a character that is not valid, the character is not accepted. Validation using the EditMask property is performed on a character-by-character basis. Use the OnValidate event instead to validate the entire input, just before it is posted.

Setting EditMask to an empty string removes the mask.

Note: For a description of the format required by EditMask, see the TEditMask type.

See Also