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constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;


__fastcall virtual TSQLQuery(System::Classes::TComponent* AOwner)/* overload */;
/* TCustomSQLDataSet.Create */ inline __fastcall TSQLQuery(System::Classes::TComponent* AOwner, Data::Dbxcommon::TDBXReader* DBXReader, bool AOwnsInstance)/* overload */ : TCustomSQLDataSet(AOwner, DBXReader, AOwnsInstance) { }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
Data.SqlExpr TSQLQuery


Creates an instance of a TCustomSQLDataSet component.

Data.SqlExpr.TSQLQuery.Create inherits from Data.SqlExpr.TCustomSQLDataSet.Create. All content below this line refers to Data.SqlExpr.TCustomSQLDataSet.Create.

Creates an instance of a TCustomSQLDataSet component.

Call Create to instantiate an SQL dataset component at runtime. SQL datasets placed in forms or data modules at design time are created automatically.

TCustomSQLDataSet is rarely used directly in applications because many of its properties are protected. Instead, applications instantiate TCustomSQLDataSet descendants such as TSQLDataSet, TSQLTable, TSQLQuery, or TSQLStoredProc.

AOwner is the component that is responsible for freeing the dataset. It becomes the value of the Owner property.

See Also