FMX.ListView.TListView Events

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OnActivatepublicOccurs when the window where this control is gains the focus, and the control of the window that has the focus is either this control itself or a descendant of this control.
OnApplyStyleLookuppublishedOccurs when a style is applied to the control.
OnButtonChangepublishedOccurs immediately when you check a glyph button (such as a check box or a delete button) inside a list view item.
OnButtonClickpublishedOccurs immediately when you click on a text button or a glyph button inside a list view item.
OnCanFocuspublishedOccurs when a control can receive focus.
OnChangepublishedOccurs when the ItemIndex property changes as a result of a user selecting a different item.
OnChangeRepaintedpublishedOccurs when the ItemIndex property changes as a result of a user selecting a different item.
OnClickpublishedOccurs when the control is clicked.
OnDblClickpublishedOccurs when the left mouse button is double-clicked with the pointer over the control.
OnDeactivatepublicOccurs when the window where this control is loses the focus while this control or a descendant of this control has the focus.
OnDeleteChangeVisiblepublishedOccurs when the visibility of the Delete button of a list item changes.
OnDeleteItempublishedOccurs when a user requests the deletion of a list view item, after this deletion takes place.
OnDeletingItempublishedOccurs when a user requests the deletion of a list view item, before this deletion takes place.
OnDragDroppublishedOccurs when a dragged control is dropped.
OnDragEndpublishedOccurs when the dragging of a control ends.
OnDragEnterpublishedOccurs when a dragged object enters the area of the current control.
OnDragLeavepublishedOccurs when a dragged object leaves the area of the current control.
OnDragOverpublishedOccurs when a dragged object is over the area of the current control.
OnEditModeChangepublishedOccurs immediately after the list view component enters the edit mode.
OnEditModeChangingpublishedOccurs immediately before the list view component enters the edit mode.
OnEnterpublishedOccurs when the control receive input focus.
OnExitpublishedOccurs when the input focus is taken from the control.
OnFilterpublishedOccurs when a search box filters.
OnGesturepublishedOccurs when you perform a gesture associated with this control.
OnItemChangepublicOccurs immediately after changing the selected item from the list view.
OnItemClickpublishedOccurs immediately after clicking an item from the list view.
OnItemClickExpublishedOccurs immediately after clicking an item from the list view. OnItemClickEx also receives mouse coordinates inside the clicked item.
OnItemsChangepublishedEvent that occurs after a list of items has been changed.
OnKeyDownpublishedOccurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
OnKeyUppublishedOccurs when a key is released while the control has focus.
OnMouseDownpublishedOccurs when a mouse button is pressed over a control.
OnMouseEnterpublishedOccurs when the mouse cursor enters the area of the control.
OnMouseLeavepublishedOccurs when the mouse cursor leaves the control area.
OnMouseMovepublishedOccurs when the mouse cursor moves while over the control area.
OnMouseUppublishedOccurs when the mouse button that was pressed over the control is released.
OnMouseWheelpublishedOccurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus.
OnPaintpublishedOccurs when the control is redrawn.
OnPaintingpublishedOccurs when the control is painted.
OnPullRefreshpublishedOccurs when a user pulls down the item list.
OnResizepublishedOccurs immediately after the control is resized.
OnScrollViewChangepublishedThis method is called when ScrollViewPos has changed as a result of scrolling a list or doing it manually in the code.
OnSearchChangepublishedOccurs when the search box in a list view loses the focus and its content has changed since it gained the focus.
OnTappublishedOccurs when a user taps the control using a finger or a similar device (not a mouse).
OnUpdateObjectspublishedOccurs immediately after the list view component is updated.
OnUpdatingObjectspublishedOccurs immediately before the list view component is updated.