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property TextAlign: TTextAlign read GetTextAlign write SetTextAlign default 1;


__property TextAlign = {default=1};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
FMX.NumberBox TNumberBox


Specifies how the text will be displayed in terms of horizontal alignment.

FMX.NumberBox.TNumberBox.TextAlign inherits from FMX.Edit.TCustomEdit.TextAlign. All content below this line refers to FMX.Edit.TCustomEdit.TextAlign.

Specifies how the text will be displayed in terms of horizontal alignment.

The TextAlign property specifies how this edit control displays the text in terms of horizontal alignment. TextAlign can have one of the following, defined in TTextAlign, values:

  • Center (default) aligns the text at the middle of the edit control.
  • Leading aligns the text at the leftmost position inside the edit control.
  • Trailing aligns the text at the rightmost position inside the edit control.

When you use text representation properties stored in ITextSettings.TextSettings, remember that TextAlign corresponds to HorzAlign.

See Also