FMX.StdCtrls.TCustomCornerButton Properties

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AbsoluteClipRectpublicSpecifies the absolute rectangle of the control after all its parent controls clip it.
AbsoluteEnabledpublicSpecifies whether the control is absolutely enabled.
AbsoluteHeightpublicSpecifies the absolute height of the control.
AbsoluteMatrixpublicSpecifies the absolute transformation matrix of the control.
AbsoluteOpacitypublicSpecifies the absolute opacity of the control.
AbsoluteRectpublicSpecifies the absolute rectangle that bounds the control.
AbsoluteScalepublicSpecifies the absolute scale of the control.
AbsoluteWidthpublicSpecifies the absolute width of the control.
ActionpublicSpecifies the action associated with the control.
ActionClientpublicSpecifies whether the component object has an associated action.
AdjustSizeValuepublicUpdates the width and height of this control according to its current style.
AdjustTypepublicDetermines if and how the width and height of this control should be modified to take the fixed space dictated by the style of this control.
AlignpublicSpecifies the alignment options (top, left, client, and so on) of this control.
AnchorspublicSpecifies how the control is anchored to its parent.
ApplyingEffectpublicA flag that signals when a control is in the process of applying an effect.
AutoCapturepublicSpecifies whether the control captures mouse events.
AutoTranslatepublicSpecifies whether the control's text should be translated.
AxisAlignedRectpublicA TRectF defined by the width and height of the control.
BoundsRectpublicSpecifies the bounding rectangle of the control.
CanFocuspublicSpecifies whether the current control can receive focus.
CanParentFocuspublicSpecifies whether the parent of this control should be evaluated to receive focus.
CanUseDefaultPresentationprotectedIndicates whether a control tries to load the default presentation in case it cannot find a presentation.
CanvaspublicProvides the drawing surface of the control.
ChildrenpublicStores an array of children attached to this parent component.
ChildrenCountpublicRead-only property that specifies the number of children in the children list.
ChildrenRectpublicSpecifies the bigger rectangle area occupied by parent and children controls.
ClipChildrenpublicSpecifies whether the current control has a clipped child.
ClipParentpublicSpecifies whether the current control has clipped its parent.
ClipRectpublicSpecifies the bound rectangle to be clipped.
ComObjectpublicSpecifies the interface reference implemented by the component.
ComponentCountpublicIndicates the number of components owned by the component.
ComponentIndexpublicIndicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array.
ComponentspublicLists all components owned by the component.
ComponentStatepublicDescribes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions.
ComponentStylepublicGoverns the behavior of the component.
ControlspublicStores an array of child controls attached to this parent control.
ControlsCountpublicNumber of controls that are direct children of this control.
ControlTypepublicSpecifies the Styled or Platform presentation type of the presented control.
CornerspublicSpecifies which corners are customized by the CornerType, XRadius, and YRadius properties.
CornerTypepublicSpecifies the type of the corner customization in the TCustomCornerButton control.
CursorpublicImage to use to represent the mouse pointer when it passes into the region covered by the control.
DatapublicStores a Tvalue, which is a data structure that can store different kinds of data types.
DefaultStyleLookupNamepublicReturns a string with the name of the default style of this control.
DefaultTextSettingspublicStores a TTextSettings type object that keeps the default values of the text representation properties.
DesignInfopublicContains information used by the Form designer.
DisableFocusEffectpublicSpecifies whether the control has the focus effect disabled.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
DragModepublicSpecifies how the control initiates drag-and-drop operations.
EnabledpublicSpecifies whether the control responds to mouse, keyboard, and timer events.
EnableDragHighlightpublicSpecifies whether the control is highlighted when the dragged object is over it.
EnableExecuteActionprotectedDefines whether the control can use Action.OnExecute for mouse clicks, key pressing, and input on touch devices (gestures).
ExplicitHeightprotectedSpecifies the explicit vertical size of the control (in pixels).
ExplicitLeftprotectedSpecifies the explicit horizontal pixel coordinate of the left edge of a component, relative to its parent.
ExplicitTopprotectedSpecifies the explicit vertical pixel coordinate of the top edge of a component, relative to its parent.
ExplicitWidthprotectedSpecifies the explicit horizontal size of the control (in pixels).
FontpublicSpecifies the font to use when displaying the text.
FontColorpublicSpecifies the font color to use when displaying the text.
HasAfterPaintEffectpublicSpecifies whether the control has an effect that is applied after the control is painted.
HasClipParentpublicControl that is a direct child of this control and has clipped this control.
HasDisablePaintEffectpublicSpecifies whether the control's effect is painted.
HasEffectpublicSpecifies whether the control has an applied effect.
HeightpublicSpecifies the vertical size of the control (in pixels).
HelpContextpublicContains the numeric context ID that identifies the Help topic for the control.
HelpKeywordpublicContains the keyword string that identifies the Help topic for the control.
HelpTypepublicSpecifies whether the control's context-sensitive Help topic is identified by a context ID or by keyword.
HintpublicSpecifies the text string that appears when the user moves the mouse over a control.
HitTestpublicEnables the control to capture mouse events.
IconTintColorprotectedAllows you to apply a tint to a button icon.
ImageIndexpublicDefines the zero-based index enumerating images in the Images list of images.
ImagespublicDefines the reference to a TCustomImageList list of images to be used to draw images on the component.
IndexpublicSpecifies the index of the child object in the children array attached to this object.
InheritedCursorpublicImage used to represent the mouse pointer when it passes into the region covered by the control.
InPaintTopublicSpecifies whether the control is currently being painted.
InvertAbsoluteMatrixpublicSpecifies the inverse matrix of AbsoluteMatrix.
IsDragOverpublicSpecifies whether a dragged object is over the area of the current control.
IsFocusedpublicSpecifies whether the control is in focus.
IsInflatedpublicWhether the current style of this control has been actually applied to the control.
IsMouseOverpublicSpecifies whether the mouse cursor is over the control.
IsPressedpublicSpecifies whether the default state of this button is pressed or not.
IsVisiblepublicSpecifies whether the control is visible.
LeftprotectedSpecifies the horizontal coordinate of the left edge of a component, relative to its parent.
LoadableStylepublic LoadableStyle is used to retrieve the style object.
LocalRectpublicSpecifies the local rectangle for painting the control.
LockedpublicSpecifies whether the control is locked at design time.
MarginspublicSpecifies the control's margins.
ModalResultpublicDetermines whether and how the button closes its (modal) parent form.
ModelpublicModel that handles the internal data of the control.
NamepublishedSpecifies the name of the component as referenced in code.
ObjectStatepublicDescribes the current state of the object.
ObserverspublicIndicates the TObservers object added to the TComponent.
OpacitypublicSpecifies the control opacity.
OwnerpublicIndicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing this component.
PaddingpublicSpecifies the control's padding.
ParentpublicSpecifies the parent component of this FMX object.
ParentClassStyleLookupNamepublicThe name of the default style of the parent class of this control.
ParentControlpublicSpecifies the parent control of this control.
ParentedRectpublicSpecifies the bounding rectangle of the control within its parent.
ParentedVisiblepublicSpecifies whether all the control's parents are visible.
ParentShowHintprotectedIf True, the value of the ShowHint property of this control inherits the value of the ShowHint property of the parent control.
PopupMenupublicSpecifies the context (pop-up) menu object.
PositionpublicSpecifies the upper-left corner of the current control, relative to its parent.
PrefixStylepublicDetermines whether the ampersand character (&) is considered as a special prefix character.
PresentationpublicReturns an instance of the presentation object.
PresentationProxypublicProxy that handles communications between your control and its presentation layer.
PresentationStatepublicState of the presentation layer of this presented control.
PressedpublicIndicates whether the control is currently pressed.
PressedPositionpublicA point that indicates where exactly on the control the click occured.
RepeatClickpublicSpecifies whether to automatically repeat the button click after a preset time.
ResultingTextSettingspublicKeeps final values of text representation properties. These values are really used to draw texts in a control.
RootpublicSpecifies the root parent of this object.
RotationAngleprotectedSpecifies the amount (in degrees) by which the control is rotated from the x-axis.
RotationCenterprotectedSpecifies the position of the pivot point of the control.
ScaleprotectedSpecifies the scale of the control.
ScenepublicSpecifies the current scene in which the control is drawn.
ShowHintpublicSpecifies whether the Hint can be shown.
SidespublicSpecifies which sides of the control to display.
SizepublicSpecifies the vertical and horizontal size (Size.Height and Size.Width) of the control (in pixels).
StaysPressedpublicSpecifies whether this button remains in a pressed state once you click it.
StoredpublicSpecifies whether this object is stored in the .XFM file.
StyledSettingspublicDefines the set of styled text representation properties whose values are loaded from the current style and cannot be changed manually.
StyleLookuppublicSpecifies the name of the resource object to which the current TStyledControl is linked.
StyleNamepublishedSpecifies the style name for this FMX component.
StylesDatapublicAssociates any data (passed as a TValue) to any of the child controls with the StyleName property set.
TabOrderpublicIndicates the position of the control in its parent's tab order.
TagpublishedStores a NativeInt integral value as a part of a component.
TagFloatpublicCustom property that stores any floating-point value.
TagObjectpublicCustom property that stores any object value.
TagStringpublicCustom property that stores any string value.
TempCanvasprotectedTemporary copy of the canvas on which the control is drawn.
TextpublicSpecifies the text that will be displayed over the surface of this control.
TextAlignpublicSpecifies the horizontal alignment of the text in this control.
TextObjectprotectedThe control that displays the data of the control.
TextSettingspublicKeeps the values of styled text representation properties that are set in the Object Inspector or programmatically.
TintColorprotectedAllows you to apply a tint to a button component.
TopprotectedSpecifies the vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of a control, relative to its parent, in pixels.
TouchpublishedSpecifies the touch manager component associated with the control.
TouchTargetExpansionpublicSet of optional pixel values you can specify to expand the touch target of a FireMonkey styled control.
TrimmingpublicSpecifies how the text is trimmed when it exceeds the edges of the text area in this control.
UpdateRectpublicSpecifies the rectangle area of the control that needs to be updated.
VCLComObjectpublicRepresents information used internally by components that support COM.
VertTextAlignpublicSpecifies the vertical alignment of the text in this control.
VisiblepublicSpecifies whether the component appears onscreen.
WidthpublicSpecifies the horizontal size of the control (in pixels).
WordWrappublicSpecifies whether to wrap the text inside the control when the text length exceeds the text area width.
XRadiuspublicSpecifies the distance from a corner to the start point of the corner shape customization, on the horizontal sides of the button.
YRadiuspublicSpecifies the distance from a corner to the start point of the corner shape customization, on the vertical sides of the button.