System.Bluetooth.TBluetoothLEDevice Properties

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AddresspublicHardware address of the remote device.
AdvertisedDatapublicAdvertising data that the remote device was broadcasting during device discovery.
BluetoothTypepublicType or types of Bluetooth that the remote device supports.
DeviceNamepublicHuman-readable name of the remote device.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
ForceRefreshCachedServicespublicIndicates whether the service discovery process attemps to retrieve services from the actual device instead of using the cached services.
LastRSSIpublicLast RSSI value scanned.
ScannedAdvertiseDatapublicAdvertising data that the remote device was broadcasting during device discovery.
ServicespublicCached list of services that the Bluetooth Low Energy device provides.
UpdateOnReconnectpublicIndicates whether the manager automatically updates its internal service objects when a remote device reconnects (True), or you want to manually perform a new service discovery operation to obtain new, valid internal service objects (False).