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procedure WriteValue(const Value: string); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: Integer); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: UInt32); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: Int64); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: UInt64); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: Single); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: Double); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: Extended); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: Boolean); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: Char); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: Byte); override;
procedure WriteValue(Value: TDateTime); override;
procedure WriteValue(const Value: TGUID); override;
procedure WriteValue(const Value: TBytes; BinaryType: TJsonBinaryType = TJsonBinaryType.Generic); override;
procedure WriteValue(const Value: TJsonOid); override;
procedure WriteValue(const Value: TJsonRegEx); override;
procedure WriteValue(const Value: TJsonDBRef); override;
procedure WriteValue(const Value: TJsonCodeWScope); override;


virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(const System::UnicodeString Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(int Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(unsigned Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(__int64 Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(unsigned __int64 Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(float Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(double Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(System::Extended Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(bool Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(System::WideChar Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(System::Byte Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(System::TDateTime Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(const GUID &Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Value, System::Json::Types::TJsonBinaryType BinaryType = (System::Json::Types::TJsonBinaryType)(0x0))/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(const System::Json::Types::TJsonOid &Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(const System::Json::Types::TJsonRegEx &Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(const System::Json::Types::TJsonDBRef &Value)/* overload */;
virtual void __fastcall WriteValue(const System::Json::Types::TJsonCodeWScope &Value)/* overload */;
inline void __fastcall  WriteValue(System::Json::Writers::TJsonWriter* const Writer, const System::Rtti::TValue &Value){ System::Json::Writers::TJsonWriter::WriteValue(Writer, Value); }
inline void __fastcall  WriteValue(const System::Rtti::TValue &Value){ System::Json::Writers::TJsonWriter::WriteValue(Value); }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
System.JSON.BSON TBsonWriter


Writes a JSON value, either one of the values within a JSON array or the value for a JSON property of a JSON object.

System.JSON.BSON.TBsonWriter.WriteValue inherits from System.JSON.Writers.TJsonWriter.WriteValue. All content below this line refers to System.JSON.Writers.TJsonWriter.WriteValue.

Writes a JSON value, either one of the values within a JSON array or the value for a JSON property of a JSON object.

Overload methods:

Method Description

WriteValue(const Writer: TJsonWriter; const Value: TValue)

Writes a TValue value.

Writer: The JSON writer object.

WriteValue(const Value: string)

Writes a String value.

WriteValue(Value: Integer)

Writes an Integer value.

WriteValue(Value: UInt32)

Writes a UInt32 value.

WriteValue(Value: Int64)

Writes an Int64 value.

WriteValue(Value: UInt64)

Writes a UInt64 value.

WriteValue(Value: Single)

Writes a Single value.

WriteValue(Value: Double)

Writes a Double value.

WriteValue(Value: Extended)

Writes a Extended value.

WriteValue(Value: Boolean)

Writes a Boolean value.

WriteValue(Value: Char)

Writes a Char value.

WriteValue(Value: Byte)

Writes a Byte value.

WriteValue(Value: TDateTime)

Writes a TDateTime value.

WriteValue(const Value: TGUID)

Writes a TGUID value.

WriteValue(const Value: TBytes; BinaryType: TJsonBinaryType = TJsonBinaryType.Generic)

Writes a Binary value. See http://bsonspec.org/spec.html

BinaryType: Accepts one of the enumerated values defined in TJsonBinaryType, that represents the binary subtypes according to the BSON specification. The default value is Generic.

WriteValue(const Value: TJsonOid)

Writes a TJsonOid value.

TJsonOid represents a extended JSON OID data type. See oid for more information.

WriteValue(const Value: TJsonRegEx)

Writes a TJsonRegEx value.

TJsonRegEx represents a extended JSON Regular Expression data type. See Regular Expression for more information.

WriteValue(const Value: TJsonDBRef)

Writes a TJsonDBRef value.

TJsonDBRef represents Extended JSON DB Reference data type. See DB Reference for more information.

WriteValue(const Value: TJsonCodeWScope)

Writes a TJsonCodeWScope value.

TJsonCodeWScope represents BSON Code With Scope data type. See BSON Spec for more information.

WriteValue(const Value: TValue)

Writes a TValue value.

Note: MongoDB adds extensions to the JSON format to be able to represent all the types supported by BSON. Some of the data types supported by WriteValue are extensions.

See Also