System.Rtti.TValue Methods

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AsBooleanpublicConverts the stored value to a Boolean value.
AsClasspublicReturns the stored TClass value.
AsCurrencypublicConverts the stored value to a Currency value.
AsExtendedpublicConverts the stored value to an Extended value.
AsInt64publicConverts the stored value to an Int64 value.
AsIntegerpublicConverts the stored value to an Integer value.
AsInterfacepublicReturns the stored IInterface value.
AsObjectpublicReturns the stored object reference.
AsOrdinalpublicCasts the currently stored value to a Int64 value.
AsStringpublicConverts the stored value to a string value.
AsTypepublicCasts the currently stored value to another type.
AsVariantpublicConverts the stored value to a Variant value.
AsVarRecpublicReturns a TVarRec instance suitable for passing as an array of const parameter.
CastpublicCasts the currently stored value to another type.
ExtractRawDatapublicCopies the stored value to the given memory address.
ExtractRawDataNoCopypublicCopies the stored value to the given memory address.
FrompublicBuilds a new TValue record from a generic value.
FromArraypublicBuilds a new TValue record from a given array.
FromOrdinalpublicBuilds a new TValue record from an ordinal value.
FromVariantpublicBuilds a new TValue record from a Variant value.
GetArrayElementpublicReturns an element from the array stored in the TValue record.
GetArrayLengthpublicReturns the length of the array stored in the TValue record.
GetReferenceToRawArrayElementpublicReturns a pointer to the stored value.
GetReferenceToRawDatapublicReturns a pointer to the stored value.
IsArraypublicChecks whether the stored value is an array.
IsClasspublicChecks whether the stored value is a class reference.
IsInstanceOfpublicChecks whether the stored object reference is an instance of a given class.
IsObjectpublicChecks whether the stored value is an object reference.
IsOrdinalpublicChecks whether the type of the stored value is ordinal.
IsTypepublicChecks whether the currently stored value can be casted to a given type.
MakepublicInitializes a TValue record.
operator =public
operator ImplicitpublicOverloaded implicit cast operator.
SetArrayElementpublicSets an element in the array stored in the TValue record.
ToStringpublicReturns the string representation of the value stored in the TValue record.
TryAsOrdinalpublicTries to cast the currently stored value to an Int64 value.
TryAsTypepublicTries to cast the currently stored value to another type.
TryCastpublicTries to cast the currently stored value to another type.