Vcl.ComCtrls.TComboExItem Properties

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CaptionpublishedSpecifies the text value of the item.
CollectionpublicSpecifies the TCollection instance to which the TCollectionItem belongs.
DatapublicPoints to user-defined data associated with the control.
DisplayNamepublicThe name displayed in the Collection editor.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
IDpublicA unique, permanent index for the item.
ImageIndexpublishedIdentifies the image associated with this item.
IndentpublishedIndicate the number of pixels by which the item appears indented in the combo box list.
IndexpublicReturns the item's position in the Items array of TCollection.
OverlayImageIndexpublishedIdentifies an overlay mask that is used to mask out portions of the image and selected image.
SelectedImageIndexpublishedIdentifies the image associated with this item when it is selected.