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property ReadOnly: Boolean read GetReadOnly write SetReadOnly default 0;


__property ReadOnly = {default=0};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.DBCtrls TDBLookupComboBox


Determines if the user can use the lookup control to set the value of the DataField field.

Vcl.DBCtrls.TDBLookupComboBox.ReadOnly inherits from Vcl.DBCtrls.TDBLookupControl.ReadOnly. All content below this line refers to Vcl.DBCtrls.TDBLookupControl.ReadOnly.

Determines if the user can use the lookup control to set the value of the DataField field.

Use ReadOnly to specify whether the lookup control is used for display purposes only. If ReadOnly is true, the lookup control can only be used to display the lookup values that correspond to the value of the DataField field on the current record. If ReadOnly is false, the user can use the lookup control to change the field's value.

See Also