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function PSGetDefaultOrder: TIndexDef; override;


virtual Data::Db::TIndexDef* __fastcall PSGetDefaultOrder(void);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Bde.DBTables TQuery


Returns the definition of an index that imposes the default order on the data included in data packets.

Bde.DBTables.TQuery.PSGetDefaultOrder inherits from Data.DB.TDataSet.PSGetDefaultOrder. All content below this line refers to Data.DB.TDataSet.PSGetDefaultOrder.

Returns the definition of an index that imposes the default order on the data included in data packets.

The provider component calls PSGetDefaultOrder to generate a default index, called DEFAULT_ORDER, for the records that appear in data packets. This index defines the default sort order for records when they appear in the client dataset on the client.

PSGetDefaultOrder creates a TIndexDef object to describe the default index. The provider that calls PSGetDefaultOrder subsequently frees this TIndexDef object.

This method is an implementation of the IProviderSupport.PSGetDefaultOrder method and, by default, returns nil for Delphi and NULL for C++, because TDataSet does not implement a provider by default. To use it, every TDataSet descendant must override it in its specific way.

See Also