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function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;


virtual Designintf::TPropertyAttributes __fastcall GetAttributes(void);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
DesignEditors TSetProperty


Describes the property so the Object Inspector provides the appropriate controls.

DesignEditors.TSetProperty.GetAttributes inherits from DesignEditors.TPropertyEditor.GetAttributes. All content below this line refers to DesignEditors.TPropertyEditor.GetAttributes.

Describes the property so the Object Inspector provides the appropriate controls.

The Object Inspector calls GetAttributes to determine what controls to display for the property and what property editor methods to call. The GetAttributes method of TPropertyEditor returns [paMultiSelect, paRevertable]. Override GetAttributes to return the set of values that corresponds to the attributes of the associated property.

Before the Object Inspector calls the Activate method, GetAttributes does not need to provide accurate information about any attributes other than paSubProperties, paVCL, and paMultiSelect.

The TPropertyAttributes are listed and defined in Specifying Editor Attributes.

See Also