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function UpdateModuleResource(const AModuleName, AResourceName: string; const AJSONObject: TJSONObject): IEMSResourceResponseContent; overload;


_di_IEMSResourceResponseContent __fastcall UpdateModuleResource(const System::UnicodeString AModuleName, const System::UnicodeString AResourceName, System::Json::TJSONObject* const AJSONObject)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
EMS.Services TEMSInternalAPI


Updates the fields of a particular resource of an EMS Edge module in the EMS Server.

UpdateModuleResource updates the content of a given resource of an EMS Edge module in the EMS Server, adding, updating or deleting custom fields.

  • To add a new field, add a custom name/value pair to the TJSONObject.
  • To delete a field, pass a null value in the JSON object for that pair.

UpdateModuleResource receives the following input parameters:

  • AModuleName: EMS Edge Module name that is registered in the EMS Server.
  • AResourceName: the resource name of the AModuleName to update.
  • AJSONObject: TJSONObject that contains pairs of name/values.

UpdateModuleResource returns the content of the request response from the EMS Server.

See Also