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property BeforeDelete: TDataSetNotifyEvent read FBeforeDelete write FBeforeDelete;


__property BeforeDelete;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
FireDAC.Comp.Client TFDQuery


Occurs before an application attempts to delete the active record.

FireDAC.Comp.Client.TFDQuery.BeforeDelete inherits from Data.DB.TDataSet.BeforeDelete. All content below this line refers to Data.DB.TDataSet.BeforeDelete.

Occurs before an application attempts to delete the active record.

Write a BeforeDelete event handler to take specific action before an application deletes the active record. BeforeDelete is called by Delete before it actually deletes a record.

In Delphi, making use of this event an application might, for example, display a dialog box asking for confirmation before deleting the record. On denial of confirmation, the application could abort the deletion by calling the Abort procedure.

BeforeDelete is an event handler of type Data.DB.TDataSetNotifyEvent.

See Also