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Package soaprtl240.bpl


ERemotableExceptionERemotableException is the class for exceptions that can be communicated from a Web Service application to a client application.
ERemotableExceptionClassERemotableExceptionClass defines the metaclass for ERemotableException.
ETypeRegistryExceptionETypeRegistryException is the exception raised when the invocation registry or the invokable type registry encounters an invalid type.
IObjConverterIObjConverter is the interface for converting between a remotable class and its SOAP representation.
ISOAPHeadersISOAPHeaders is the interface for accessing the headers that accompany a message encoded using SOAP.
TDataContextTDataContext stores temporary information about a set of objects, Variants, and other related values.
THeaderListTHeaderList maintains a list of SOAP headers.
TInvContextTInvContext stores information about a method call on an invokeable interface.
TInvokableClassTInvokableClass is the base class for the implementation classes of invokable interfaces.
TInvokableClassClassTInvokableClassClass defines the metaclass for TInvokableClass.
TInvokableClassRegistryTInvokableClassRegistry is the type of the invocation registry.
TPascalRemotableClassRegistryTPascalRemotableClassRegistry is the type of the remotable class registry.
TPascalRemotableTypeRegistryTPascalRemotableTypeRegistry is the type of the remotable type registry.
TRemotableTRemotable is the base class for classes that can be passed as parameters or return values in a Web Service application.
TRemotableClassTRemotableClass defines the metaclass for TRemotable.
TRemotableClassRegistryTRemotableClassRegistry is an alias for TRemotableTypeRegistry.
TRemotableTypeRegistryTRemotableTypeRegistry is the type of the remotable type registry.
TRemotableXSTRemotableXS is the base class for classes that represent a non-native scalar type on an invokable interface in a Web Service application.
TRemotableXSClassTRemotableXSClass defines the metaclass for TRemotableXS.
TSOAPAttachmentTSOAPAttachment represents an attachment that is included with SOAP messages that represent method calls in a Web Service application.
TSOAPAttachmentClassTSOAPAttachmentClass defines the metaclass for TSOAPAttachment.
TSOAPHeaderTSOAPHeader represents a header on the SOAP envelope that contains an encoded message in a Web Service application.
TSOAPHeaderClassTSOAPHeaderClass defines the metaclass for TSOAPHeader.
TSOAPHeadersTSOAPHeaders is a helper object for implementing the ISOAPHeaders interface.
TSOAPHeadersBaseTSOAPHeadersBase is the base class for classes that maintain lists of SOAP headers.


GetRemotableDataContextReturns the TDataContext object that provides temporary storage during a call to an invokable interface.
InvRegistryProvides access to the invocation registry.
RemClassRegistryProvides access to the remotable class registry.
RemTypeRegistryProvides access to the remotable type registry.
SetRemotableDataContextSets the data context that provides temporary storage during a call to an invokable interface.


eHeaderMethodTypeeHeaderMethodType and THeaderMethodTypeArray indicate the types of messages that should include a given header type.
InterfaceMapItemInterfaceMapItem stores information about an invokable interface.
IntfExceptionItemIntfExceptionItem and TExceptionItemArray describe the association between a remotable exception and an interface that can raise it.
IntfHeaderItemIntfHeaderItem and THeaderItemArray describe the association between a header and the SOAP messages that include it.
InvStringInvString is the type for strings that are used to represent all or part of an encoded call on an invokable interface.
InvStringDynArrayInvStringDynArray is a dynamic array of InvString values.
MethodMapItemStores information about a method of an invokable interface.
ObjectConvertOptionsObjectConvertOptions and TObjectConvertOptions are flags that customize how to convert a remotable object to or from its SOAP representation.
ParameterMapItemStores information about a parameter of a method exposed by an invokable interface.
SerializationOptionsSerializationOptions and TSerializationOptions are flags that customize how to convert a remotable object to or from its SOAP representation.
TCreateInstanceProcTCreateInstanceProc is the type of the factory routine that returns an instance of an invokable class.
TExceptionItemArrayTExceptionItemArray is a dynamic array of IntfExceptionItem values.
TInterfaceMapItemArrayRepresents an array of InterfaceMapItem instances.
TIntfInvokeOptionTIntfInvokeOption and TIntfInvokeOptions represent flags that customize how to handle calls to an invokable interface.
TIntfInvokeOptionsTIntfInvokeOptions and TIntfInvokeOption represent flags that customize the way to handle calls to an invokable interface.
TObjectConvertOptionsTObjectConvertOptions and ObjectConvertOptions are flags that customize the way to convert a remotable object to or from its SOAP representation.
TObjMultiOptionsTObjMultiOptions indicates how multiple references to the same remotable class should be translated into a SOAP representation.
TRemRegEntryTRemRegEntry stores information for the remotable type registry.
TRemRegEntryArrayTRemRegEntryArray is a dynamic array of TRemRegEntry values.
TRequiredArrayTRequiredArray is a dynamic array of boolean values.
TSerializationOptionsTSerializationOptions and SerializationOptions are flags that customize how to convert a remotable object to or from its SOAP representation.


AppNameSpacePrefixSupplies a unique prefix to use for automatically generated namespaces given to invokable interfaces and remotable types.
