System.Net.HttpClient.IHTTPResponse Properties

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ContentCharSetpublicContent-CharSet field of the response, which specifies the character sets included in the response.
ContentEncodingpublicContent-Encoding field of the response, which specifies the data encoding of the response.
ContentLanguagepublicContent-Language field of the response, which specifies the language of the data of the response.
ContentLengthpublicContent-Length field of the response, that indicates the length of the response.
ContentStreampublicStream that contains all the data of the response as received from the server.
CookiespublicCookies from the server response.
DatepublicDate of the response.
HeaderspublicHTTP header fields of the response and their values.
HeaderValuepublicHolds the header values.
LastModifiedpublicLast-Modified field of the response, which indicates the date and time the origin server believes the variant was last modified.
MimeTypepublicInternet media type of the response content.
StatusCodepublicStatus-Code field of the response.
StatusTextpublicString with a description of the related StatusCode.
VersionpublicProtocol version received in the IHTTPResponse.