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function BeginMerge(const AURL: string; const ASource: TStream; const AHeaders: TNetHeaders = nil): IHTTPResponse; overload;
function BeginMerge(const AsyncCallback: TAsyncCallback; const AURL: string; const ASource: TStream;  const AHeaders: TNetHeaders = nil): IHTTPResponse; overload;
function BeginMerge(const AsyncCallbackEvent: TAsyncCallbackEvent; const AURL: string; const ASource: TStream;  const AHeaders: TNetHeaders = nil): IHTTPResponse; overload;


_di_IHTTPResponse __fastcall BeginMerge(const System::UnicodeString AURL, System::Classes::TStream* const ASource, const System::DynamicArray<System::Net::Urlclient::TNameValuePair> AHeaders = System::DynamicArray<System::Net::Urlclient::TNameValuePair>())/* overload */;
_di_IHTTPResponse __fastcall BeginMerge(const System::Classes::_di_TAsyncCallback AsyncCallback, const System::UnicodeString AURL, System::Classes::TStream* const ASource, const System::DynamicArray<System::Net::Urlclient::TNameValuePair> AHeaders = System::DynamicArray<System::Net::Urlclient::TNameValuePair>())/* overload */;
_di_IHTTPResponse __fastcall BeginMerge(const System::Classes::TAsyncProcedureEvent AsyncCallbackEvent, const System::UnicodeString AURL, System::Classes::TStream* const ASource, const System::DynamicArray<System::Net::Urlclient::TNameValuePair> AHeaders = System::DynamicArray<System::Net::Urlclient::TNameValuePair>())/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.Net.HttpClient THTTPClient


Starts an asynchronous HTTP request using the MERGE HTTP request method.

If your HTTP request must go through a proxy HTTP server that may not support the MERGE HTTP request method, use BeginMergeAlternative instead to disguise your MERGE request method as a PUT request method.

When you call BeginMerge, you must provide the data required to perform your HTTP request:

  • AURL is the target URL of your request.
  • ASource is a stream that contains the data to send.
  • AHeaders (optional) is a list of headers to include in the request.
  • AsyncCallback (optional) is a callback procedure to be called when a response is received or the request fails.
  • AsyncCallbackEvent (optional) is an event handler to be called when a response is received or the request fails.

For more information, see BeginExecute.

See Also