System.Tether.AppProfile.TResourceValue.operator =

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TResourceValue& __fastcall operator=(bool Value) { *this = TResourceValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; };
TResourceValue& __fastcall operator=(__int64 Value) { *this = TResourceValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; };
TResourceValue& __fastcall operator=(int Value) { *this = TResourceValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; };
TResourceValue& __fastcall operator=(double Value) { *this = TResourceValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; };
TResourceValue& __fastcall operator=(float Value) { *this = TResourceValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; };
TResourceValue& __fastcall operator=(const System::UnicodeString Value) { *this = TResourceValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; };
TResourceValue& __fastcall operator=(System::Classes::TStream* const Value) { *this = TResourceValue::_op_Implicit(Value); return *this; };


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public System.Tether.AppProfile.hpp System.Tether.AppProfile TResourceValue


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