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property Header[Index: Integer]: Boolean read GetHeader write SetHeader;


__property bool Header[int Index] = {read=GetHeader, write=SetHeader};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Vcl.CheckLst TCheckListBox


Indicates which items act as headers.

Set Header to true to specify that an item in the check list box acts as a header rather than a selectable item. By setting Header to true for various items in the list, you can divide the check list box into multiple sections, where each header labels the beginning of a section.

When Header is true for an item, the list box does not display a check box next to the item, but rather it displays only the item's text. This item is drawn with a background color of HeaderBackgroundColor and a font color of HeaderColor, which can be used to make it visually distinct from the checkable items in the list box.

Index is the index of the item.

See Also