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property OnAlignInsertBefore: Boolean read FOnAlignInsertBefore write FOnAlignInsertBefore;


__property OnAlignInsertBefore;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
Vcl.Tabs TTabSet


Occurs when an object with custom alignment is aligned.

Vcl.Tabs.TTabSet.OnAlignInsertBefore inherits from Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.OnAlignInsertBefore. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.OnAlignInsertBefore.

Occurs when an object with custom alignment is aligned.

OnAlignInsertBefore occurs for each pair of child controls with an Align property of alCustom.

It can determine the order in which custom-aligned child controls are placed. OnAlignInsertBefore returns true if C2 should be presented before C1, and false otherwise. It holds a TAlignInsertBeforeEvent type.

CustomAlignInsertBefore triggers the OnAlignInsertBefore event. If this event is defined, CustomAlignInsertBefore returns the value returned by OnAlignInsertBefore. Defining this event allows users to define the order of control alignment without overriding CustomAlignInsertBefore.

See Also