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function IndexOf(const Node: IXMLNode): Integer; overload;
function IndexOf(const Name: DOMString): Integer; overload;
function IndexOf(const Name, NamespaceURI: DOMString): Integer; overload;


virtual int __fastcall IndexOf(const _di_IXMLNode Node) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual int __fastcall IndexOf(const System::UnicodeString Name) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual int __fastcall IndexOf(const System::UnicodeString Name, const System::UnicodeString NamespaceURI) = 0 /* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Xml.XMLIntf IXMLNodeList


Returns the index of a specified node.

Call IndexOf to locate a node in the list. You can specify which node to locate using its name or its interface.

Name is the LocalName property of the node to locate.

NamespaceURI identifies the namespace to use when interpreting LocalName (if necessary).

Node is the interface of the node to locate.

IndexOf returns the index of the specified node, where 0 is the index of the first node, 1 is the index of the second node, and so on. If the specified node is not in the list, IndexOf returns -1.

See Also