Data.DBXCommon.TDBXValue Properties

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AsBcdpublicTBcd representation of value.
AsBooleanpublicBoolean representation of value.
AsDatepublicTDBXDate representation of value.
AsDateTimepublicAsDateTime is the TDateTime representation of this TDBXValue.
AsDBXReaderpublicAsDBXReader is the TDBXReader representation of this TDBXValue.
AsDoublepublicDouble representation of value.
AsInt16publicSmallInt representation of value.
AsInt32publicInteger representation of value.
AsInt64publicInt64 representation of value.
AsInt8publicAsInt8 is the ShortInt representation of this TDBXValue.
AsSinglepublicSingle representation of value.
AsStreampublicAsStream is the TStream representation of this TDBXValue.
AsStringpublicUnicodeString representation of value.
AsTimepublicTDBXTime representation of value.
AsTimeStamppublicTSQLTimeStamp representation of value.
AsUInt16publicUnsigned 16-bit integer representation of the value.
AsUInt8publicAsUInt8 is the Byte representation of this TDBXValue.
AsVariantpublicAsVariant is the OleVariant representation of this TDBXValue.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
ValueTypepublicGets the value type for this value.