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  TBoundingBox = record
    function GetWidth: Single;
    procedure SetWidth(const Value: Single);
    function GetHeight: Single;
    procedure SetHeight(const Value: Single);
    function GetDepth: Single;
    procedure SetDepth(const Value: Single);
    function GetCenterPoint: TPoint3D;
    constructor Create(const AnOrigin: TPoint3D); overload;
    constructor Create(const AnOrigin: TPoint3D; const Width, Height, Depth: Single); overload;
    constructor Create(const Left, Top, Near, Right, Bottom, Far: Single); overload;
    constructor Create(const APoint1, APoint2: TPoint3D; NormalizeBox: Boolean = False); overload;
    constructor Create(const ABox: TBoundingBox; NormalizeBox: Boolean = False); overload;
    constructor Create(const Points: TArray<TPoint3D>); overload;
    constructor Create(const Points: PPoint3D; const PointCount: Integer); overload;
    class operator Equal(const LeftBox, RightBox: TBoundingBox): Boolean;
    class operator NotEqual(const LeftBox, RightBox: TBoundingBox): Boolean;
    class operator Add(const LeftBox, RightBox: TBoundingBox): TBoundingBox;
    class operator Multiply(const LeftBox, RightBox: TBoundingBox): TBoundingBox;
    class function Empty: TBoundingBox; inline; static;
    function FitIntoScale(const ADesignatedArea: TBoundingBox): Single;
    function FitInto(const ADesignatedArea: TBoundingBox; out ARatio: Single): TBoundingBox; overload;
    function FitInto(const ADesignatedArea: TBoundingBox): TBoundingBox; overload;
    function Normalize: TBoundingBox;
    function IsEmpty(const Epsilon: Single = TEpsilon.Vector): Boolean;
    function Contains(const APoint: TPoint3D): Boolean; overload;
    function Contains(const ABox: TBoundingBox): Boolean; overload;
    function IntersectsWith(const ABox: TBoundingBox): Boolean;
    function Intersect(const DestBox: TBoundingBox): TBoundingBox;
    function Union(const DestBox: TBoundingBox): TBoundingBox; overload;
    function Offset(const DX, DY, DZ: Single): TBoundingBox; overload;
    function Offset(const APoint: TPoint3D): TBoundingBox; overload;
    function Inflate(const DX, DY, DZ: Single): TBoundingBox; overload;
    function Inflate(const DL, DT, DN, DR, DB, DF: Single): TBoundingBox; overload;
    function GetSize: TPoint3D;
    function EqualsTo(const ABox: TBoundingBox; const Epsilon: Single = 0): Boolean;
    property Width: Single read GetWidth write SetWidth;
    property Height: Single read GetHeight write SetHeight;
    property Depth: Single read GetDepth write SetDepth;
    property CenterPoint: TPoint3D read GetCenterPoint;
    case Integer of
      0: (Left, Top, Near, Right, Bottom, Far: Single;);
      1: (TopLeftNear, BottomRightFar: TPoint3D);
      2: (MinCorner, MaxCorner: TPoint3D);


struct DECLSPEC_DRECORD TBoundingBox
    float __fastcall GetWidth();
    void __fastcall SetWidth(const float Value);
    float __fastcall GetHeight();
    void __fastcall SetHeight(const float Value);
    float __fastcall GetDepth();
    void __fastcall SetDepth(const float Value);
    System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D __fastcall GetCenterPoint();
    __fastcall TBoundingBox(const System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D &AnOrigin)/* overload */;
    __fastcall TBoundingBox(const System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D &AnOrigin, const float Width, const float Height, const float Depth)/* overload */;
    __fastcall TBoundingBox(const float Left, const float Top, const float Near, const float Right, const float Bottom, const float Far)/* overload */;
    __fastcall TBoundingBox(const System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D &APoint1, const System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D &APoint2, bool NormalizeBox)/* overload */;
    __fastcall TBoundingBox(const TBoundingBox &ABox, bool NormalizeBox)/* overload */;
#ifndef _WIN64
    __fastcall TBoundingBox(const System::DynamicArray<System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D> Points)/* overload */;
#else /* _WIN64 */
    __fastcall TBoundingBox(const System::TArray__1<System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D> Points)/* overload */;
#endif /* _WIN64 */
    __fastcall TBoundingBox(const System::Math::Vectors::PPoint3D Points, const int PointCount)/* overload */;
    static bool __fastcall _op_Equality(const TBoundingBox &LeftBox, const TBoundingBox &RightBox);
    bool __fastcall operator==(const TBoundingBox& __rhs) { return TBoundingBox::_op_Equality(*this, __rhs); };
    static bool __fastcall _op_Inequality(const TBoundingBox &LeftBox, const TBoundingBox &RightBox);
    bool __fastcall operator!=(const TBoundingBox& __rhs) { return TBoundingBox::_op_Inequality(*this, __rhs); };
    static TBoundingBox __fastcall _op_Addition(const TBoundingBox &LeftBox, const TBoundingBox &RightBox);
    TBoundingBox __fastcall operator+(const TBoundingBox& __rhs) { return TBoundingBox::_op_Addition(*this, __rhs); };
    static TBoundingBox __fastcall _op_Multiply(const TBoundingBox &LeftBox, const TBoundingBox &RightBox);
    TBoundingBox __fastcall operator*(const TBoundingBox& __rhs) { return TBoundingBox::_op_Multiply(*this, __rhs); };
    static TBoundingBox __fastcall Empty();
    float __fastcall FitIntoScale(const TBoundingBox &ADesignatedArea);
    TBoundingBox __fastcall FitInto(const TBoundingBox &ADesignatedArea, /* out */ float &ARatio)/* overload */;
    TBoundingBox __fastcall FitInto(const TBoundingBox &ADesignatedArea)/* overload */;
    TBoundingBox __fastcall Normalize();
    bool __fastcall IsEmpty(const float Epsilon = 1.000000E-04f);
    bool __fastcall Contains(const System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D &APoint)/* overload */;
    bool __fastcall Contains(const TBoundingBox &ABox)/* overload */;
    bool __fastcall IntersectsWith(const TBoundingBox &ABox);
    TBoundingBox __fastcall Intersect(const TBoundingBox &DestBox);
    TBoundingBox __fastcall Union(const TBoundingBox &DestBox)/* overload */;
    TBoundingBox __fastcall Offset(const float DX, const float DY, const float DZ)/* overload */;
    TBoundingBox __fastcall Offset(const System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D &APoint)/* overload */;
    TBoundingBox __fastcall Inflate(const float DX, const float DY, const float DZ)/* overload */;
    TBoundingBox __fastcall Inflate(const float DL, const float DT, const float DN, const float DR, const float DB, const float DF)/* overload */;
    System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D __fastcall GetSize();
    bool __fastcall EqualsTo(const TBoundingBox &ABox, const float Epsilon = 0.000000E+00f);
    __property float Width = {read=GetWidth, write=SetWidth};
    __property float Height = {read=GetHeight, write=SetHeight};
    __property float Depth = {read=GetDepth, write=SetDepth};
    __property System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D CenterPoint = {read=GetCenterPoint};
    TBoundingBox() {}
            System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D MinCorner;
            System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D MaxCorner;
            System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D TopLeftNear;
            System::Math::Vectors::TPoint3D BottomRightFar;
            float Left;
            float Top;
            float Near;
            float Right;
            float Bottom;
            float Far;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
FMX.Types3D FMX.Types3D


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