SHDocVw.IWebBrowser Methods

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AddRefpublicIncrements the reference count for this interface.
Get_ApplicationpublicReturns the value of the Application property.
Get_BusypublicReturns the value of the Application property.
Get_ContainerpublicReturns the value of the Container property.
Get_DocumentpublicReturns the value of the Document property.
Get_HeightpublicReturns the value of the Height property.
Get_LeftpublicReturns the value of the Left property.
Get_LocationNamepublicReturns the value of the LocationName property.
Get_LocationURLpublicReturns the value of the LocationURL property.
Get_ParentpublicReturns the value of Parent.
Get_ToppublicReturns the value of the Top property.
Get_TopLevelContainerpublicReturns the value of the TopLevelContainer property.
Get_type_publicReturns the value of the type_ property.
Get_WidthpublicReturns the value of the Width property.
GetIDsOfNamespublicGetIDsOfNames returns a set of dispatch identifiers (dispids) for a given member name.
GetTypeInfopublicGetTypeInfo returns the object's type information.
GetTypeInfoCountpublicGetTypeInfoCount returns the count of type information interfaces.
GoBackpublicNavigates to the previous item in the history list.
GoForwardpublicNavigates to the next item in the history list.
GoHomepublicNavigates to the current start page.
GoSearchpublicNavigates to the current search page.
InvokepublicInvoke performs a call to a late-binded property or method.
NavigatepublicNavigates to a resource identified by a path name or URL.
QueryInterfacepublicReturns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface.
RefreshpublicReloads the current document.
Refresh2publicReloads the current document if necessary.
ReleasepublicDecrements the reference count for this interface.
Set_HeightpublicModifies the object height in pixels.
Set_LeftpublicModifies the X axis coordinate of the left edge of the window.
Set_ToppublicModifies the Y axis coordinate of the upper edge of the window.
Set_WidthpublicModifies the object width in pixels.
StoppublicStops the current operation.