SHDocVw.IWebBrowser Properties

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ApplicationpublicProvides access to the Automation interface for the application that contains the WebBrowser control, or, if that is unavailable, for the interface for the WebBrowser control.
BusypublicIndicates whether the WebBrowser control is in the middle of a navigation or downloading operation.
ContainerpublicProvides access to the automation interface of the Web browser's container.
DocumentpublicProvides access to the Automation interface of the active document.
HeightpublicSpecifies the object height in pixels.
LeftpublicSpecifies the X axis coordinate of the left edge of the window.
LocationNamepublicIdentifies the short (UI-friendly) name of the URL or file currently displayed.
LocationURLpublicIdentifies the URL or path of the document or folder currently displayed.
ParentpublicProvides access to the Automation interface of the Web browser's container.
ToppublicSpecifies the Y axis coordinate of the upper edge of the window.
TopLevelContainerpublicIndicates whether the Web browser is a top-level Automation object.
type_publicIndicates the type name of the contained document object.
WidthpublicSpecifies the object width in pixels.