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TServerWinSocket = class(TCustomWinSocket)


class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TServerWinSocket : public TCustomWinSocket


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public
System.Win.ScktComp System.Win.ScktComp


TCustomWinSocket is the base class for all Windows socket objects.

System.Win.ScktComp.TServerWinSocket inherits from System.Win.ScktComp.TCustomWinSocket. All content below this line refers to System.Win.ScktComp.TCustomWinSocket.

TCustomWinSocket is the base class for all Windows socket objects.

TCustomWinSocket introduces properties, events, and methods to describe an endpoint in a Windows socket connection. Descendants of TCustomWinSocket are used by socket components to manage the Windows socket API calls and to store information about a socket communication link.

A Windows socket encapsulates a set of communication protocols to allow the application to connect to other machines for reading or writing information. Windows sockets provide connections based on the TCP/IP protocol. They also allow connections that use the Xerox Network System (XNS), Digital's DECnet protocol, or Novell's IPX/SPX family. Sockets allow an application to form connections to other machines without being concerned with the details of the actual networking software.

Descendants of TCustomWinSocket represent different endpoints in socket connections. TClientWinSocket represents the client endpoint of a socket communication link to a server socket. TServerWinSocket represents the server endpoint of a listening connection. TServerClientWinSocket represents the server endpoint of a socket communication link to a client socket.

See Also