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constructor Create(ComServer: TComServerObject;  ActiveXControlClass: TActiveXControlClass; WinControlClass: TWinControlClass; const ClassID: TGUID; ToolboxBitmapID: Integer; const LicStr: string; MiscStatus: Integer; ThreadingModel: TThreadingModel = tmSingle);


__fastcall TActiveXControlFactory(System::Win::Comobj::TComServerObject* ComServer, TActiveXControlClass ActiveXControlClass, Vcl::Controls::TWinControlClass WinControlClass, const GUID &ClassID, int ToolboxBitmapID, const System::UnicodeString LicStr, int MiscStatus, System::Win::Comobj::TThreadingModel ThreadingModel);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
Vcl.AxCtrls TActiveXControlFactory


Instantiates a TAutoObjectFactory object.

Vcl.AxCtrls.TActiveXControlFactory.Create inherits from System.Win.ComObj.TAutoObjectFactory.Create. All content below this line refers to System.Win.ComObj.TAutoObjectFactory.Create.

Instantiates a TAutoObjectFactory object.

Create allocates memory for a TAutoObjectFactory object and calls the inherited Create, passing it the same parameters. Then it initializes the DispIntfEntry and DispTypeInfo properties, raising an EOleError exception on error. The Create sets the ErrorIID property to point to DispIntfEntry.

Class factories should be instantiated in the initialization section of the unit that includes the code for the CoClass they instantiate. Factories are automatically available when the server is loaded.

See Also