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function HighlightCell(DataCol, DataRow: Integer; const Value: string;  AState: TGridDrawState): Boolean; override;


virtual bool __fastcall HighlightCell(int DataCol, int DataRow, const System::UnicodeString Value, Vcl::Grids::TGridDrawState AState);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Vcl.DBLookup TDBLookupList


Indicates whether a specified cell should be highlighted when it is drawn.

Vcl.DBLookup.TDBLookupList.HighlightCell inherits from Vcl.DBGrids.TCustomDBGrid.HighlightCell. All content below this line refers to Vcl.DBGrids.TCustomDBGrid.HighlightCell.

Indicates whether a specified cell should be highlighted when it is drawn.

Applications cannot call this protected method. It is called internally by the DrawCell method to determine whether the cell specified by the DataCol and DataRow parameters should be highlighted. HighlightCell returns true if the cell has focus, the cell is selected and Options includes dgAlwaysShowSelection, or the cell is in a selected row and Options includes dgRowSelect.

See Also