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TBrowseURLTBrowseURL is the standard action for launching the default browser to display a specified URL.
TCustomFileRunTCustomFileRun is the base class for actions that perform a specified operation on a file.
TDownLoadURLTDownLoadURL is the standard action for saving the contents of a specified URL to a file.
TFileRunTFileRun is the standard action for performing a specified operation on a file.
TListControlActionTListControlAction is the base class for action objects that operate on the selection of a list control (list box or list view).
TListControlClearSelectionTListControlClearSelection deselects all selected items in a list control (list view or list box).
TListControlCopySelectionTListControlCopySelection copies the selected items in a list control (list view or list box) to another (destination) list control.
TListControlDeleteSelectionTListControlDeleteSelection deletes the selected items in a list control (list view or listbox).
TListControlMoveSelectionTListControlMoveSelection moves the selected items in a list control (list view or list box) to another (destination) list control.
TListControlSelectAllTListControlSelectAll selects all the items in a list control (list view or listbox).
TNextTabTNextTab moves a tabbed control to its next page.
TOpenPictureTOpenPicture is the standard action for displaying the open picture dialog.
TPreviousTabTPreviousTab moves a page control to its previous page.
TRecipientCollectionTRecipientCollection is a collection that maintains information about the recipients of an e-mail message.
TRecipientItemTRecipientItem represents an item in a TRecipientCollection.
TRichEditActionTRichEditAction is the base class for action objects that apply rich text attributes to a rich edit control.
TRichEditAlignCenterTRichEditAlignCenter centers the text horizontally in the current paragraph of a rich edit control.
TRichEditAlignLeftTRichEditAlignLeft left-justifies the text in the current paragraph of a rich edit control.
TRichEditAlignRightTRichEditAlignRight right-justifies the text in the current paragraph of a rich edit control.
TRichEditBoldTRichEditBold toggles the bold attribute of the currently selected text in a rich edit control.
TRichEditBulletsTRichEditBullets toggles whether the current paragraph of a rich edit control is bulleted.
TRichEditItalicTRichEditItalic toggles the italic attribute of the currently selected text in a rich edit control.
TRichEditStrikeOutTRichEditStrikeOut toggles the strikeout attribute of the currently selected text in a rich edit control.
TRichEditUnderlineTRichEditUnderline toggles the underline attribute of the currently selected text in a rich edit control.
TSavePictureTSavePicture is the standard action for displaying the save picture dialog.
TSendMailTSendMail is the standard action for sending an email message.
TTabActionTTabAction is the base class for action objects designed to respond to the buttons in a tabbed dialog.
TURLActionTURLAction is the base class for actions that perform some function based on an URL.


TMailSendStatusEnumerates the values of the send status for an e-mail message.
TRecipientTypeEnumerates an e-mail message's types of recipients.