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function DrawText(DC: HDC; Details: TThemedElementDetails; const S: string;  R: TRect; Flags, Flags2: Cardinal; DPI: Integer = 0): Boolean; overload; inline; deprecated 'Use DrawText with TTextFormat';
function DrawText(DC: HDC; Details: TThemedElementDetails;  const S: string; var R: TRect; Flags: TTextFormat; Color: TColor = clNone; DPI: Integer = 0): Boolean; overload;
function DrawText(DC: HDC; Details: TThemedElementDetails;  const S: string; var R: TRect; Flags: TTextFormat; Options: TStyleTextOptions; DPI: Integer = 0): Boolean; overload;


bool __fastcall DrawText _DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE1("Use DrawText with TTextFormat") (HDC DC, const TThemedElementDetails &Details, const System::UnicodeString S, const System::Types::TRect &R, unsigned Flags, unsigned Flags2, int DPI = 0x0)/* overload */;
bool __fastcall DrawText(HDC DC, const TThemedElementDetails &Details, const System::UnicodeString S, System::Types::TRect &R, Vcl::Graphics::TTextFormat Flags, System::Uitypes::TColor Color = (System::Uitypes::TColor)(0x1fffffff), int DPI = 0x0)/* overload */;
bool __fastcall DrawText(HDC DC, const TThemedElementDetails &Details, const System::UnicodeString S, System::Types::TRect &R, Vcl::Graphics::TTextFormat Flags, const TStyleTextOptions &Options, int DPI = 0x0)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.Themes TCustomStyleServices


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