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property Precision: Integer read FPrecision write SetPrecision default 15;


__property int Precision = {read=FPrecision, write=SetPrecision, default=15};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Data.DB TAggregateField


Determines the precision used in formatting floating-point values.

In case the aggregate field represents a floating-point value (ResultType is ftFloat or ftCurrency), use Precision to set the maximum number of digits in the string representation (both integer part and fractional part). Precision affects the format of the floating-point value when it is displayed as a text string, not the actual value that is stored in the field.

The default value of Precision is 15 decimal places.

Note: Precision must be greater than or equal to 2. Trying to set Precision to a value less than 2 changes the value of Precision to 2.

See Also