Data.DB.TCheckConstraint Properties

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CollectionpublicSpecifies the TCollection instance to which the TCollectionItem belongs.
CustomConstraintpublishedContains the SQL text representation of a constraint defined on a record by an application.
DisplayNamepublicThe name displayed in the Collection editor.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
ErrorMessagepublishedContains the text of an error message to display if data entered in a record by a user violates the constraint condition.
FromDictionarypublishedIndicates whether to fetch a check constraint from the Data Dictionary.Reserved for future use.
IDpublicA unique, permanent index for the item.
ImportedConstraintpublishedContains the SQL text for a check constraint imported from the Data Dictionary or a remote SQL database server.
IndexpublicReturns the item's position in the Items array of TCollection.