Data.DBXCommon.TDBXDatabaseMetaData Properties

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DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
MaxCommandspublicMaximum number of commands that can be created
MetaDataVersionpublicdbExpress version of metadata supported.
ProcedureQuoteCharpublicQuote character used for identifying stored procedures in commands.
QuoteCharpublicQuote character used for quoting identifiers in commands.
QuotePrefixpublicCharacter to start a quoted identifier.
QuoteSuffixpublicCharacter to end a quoted identifier.
SupportsCatalogFunctionspublicSpecifies whether the driver uses catalog functions rather than metadata queries.
SupportsCatalogspublicThis property indicates whether the driver supports catalogs.
SupportsLowerCaseIdentifierspublicLowercase identifiers are stored in lowercase characters in the database.
SupportsNestedTransactionspublicIndicates whether driver supports nested transactions
SupportsParameterMetadatapublicSpecifies whether the driver supports parameter metadata.
SupportsRowSetSizepublicIndicates whether the TDBXCommand.RowSetSize property is supported to control row buffering when executing queries.
SupportsSchemaspublicThis property indicates whether the driver supports schemas.
SupportsSPReturnCodepublicIndicates whether the stored procedures can return an integer code.
SupportsTransactionspublicIndicates whether the driver supports transactions
SupportsUpperCaseIdentifierspublicUppercase identifiers are stored in uppercase characters in the database.