FMX.Forms.IFMXWindowService Methods

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AddRefpublicIncrements the reference count for this interface.
CanShowModalpublicIn descendants, CanShowModal implements functionality to return if a form can be showed modally.
ClientToScreenpublicIn descendants, ClientToScreen implements functionality to convert a point in screen coordinates to local (client) area coordinates.
CreateWindowpublicIn descendants, CreateWindow implements functionality to create a window based on the given form.
DestroyWindowpublicIn descendants, DestroyWindow implements functionality to destroy a window based on the given form.
FindFormpublicIn descendants, FindForm implements functionality to return the FireMonkey form whose handle is specified through the AHandle parameter.
GetClientSizepublicIn descendants, GetClientSize implements functionality to return the dimensions of the client area of the specified form. The client area is the portion of the window inside the window borders and title bar.
GetWindowRectpublicIn descendants, GetWindowRect implements functionality to return the working rectangle area of the given form.
GetWindowScale (deprecated)public
HideWindowpublicIn descendants, HideWindow implements functionality to hide the specified form.
InvalidateWindowRectpublicIn descendants, InvalidateWindowRect implements functionality to repaint the specified rectangle zone on the given form.
QueryInterfacepublicReturns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface.
ReleasepublicDecrements the reference count for this interface.
ReleaseCapturepublicIn descendants, ReleaseCapture implements functionality to release the mouse capture from a window in the current thread and restores normal mouse input processing.
ReleaseWindowpublicIn descendants, ReleaseWindow implements functionality to wait for all form messages to be processed and to destroy a window based on the given form.
ScreenToClientpublicIn descendants, ScreenToClient implements functionality to translate a given point from global screen coordinates to client area coordinates.
SetCapturepublicIn descendants, SetCapture implements functionality to set the mouse capture to the specified window belonging to the current thread.
SetClientSizepublicIn descendants, SetClientSize implements functionality to set the working area dimensions of the given form.
SetWindowCaptionpublicIn descendants, SetWindowCaption implements functionality to set the title of the given form.
SetWindowRectpublicIn descendants, SetWindowRect implements functionality to set the working rectangle area of the given form.
SetWindowStatepublicIn descendants, SetWindowState implements functionality to apply a window state (show, hide, maximize, and so on) to the given form.
ShowWindowpublicIn descendants, ShowWindow implements functionality to show the specified form.
ShowWindowModalpublicIn descendants, ShowWindowModal implements functionality to show the specified form modally.
SupportspublicIndicates whether a given interface supports a specific (another) interface.