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class function LoadThumbnailFromFile(const AFileName: string; const AFitWidth, AFitHeight: Single;  const UseEmbedded: Boolean; const Bitmap: TBitmapSurface): Boolean;


__classmethod bool __fastcall LoadThumbnailFromFile(const System::UnicodeString AFileName, const float AFitWidth, const float AFitHeight, const bool UseEmbedded, Fmx::Surfaces::TBitmapSurface* const Bitmap);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.Graphics TBitmapCodecManager


Loads a TBitmap thumbnail from a file.

LoadThumbnailFromFile is an abstract method. The TBitmapCodecManager's descendants override it to decode and load a thumbnail from a file specified by the AFileName parameter and with the specified sizes.

The AFitWidth parameter specifies the Width of the thumbnail.

The AFitHeight parameter specifies the Height of the thumbnail.

The new image is written to TBitmap, which is specified by the Bitmap parameter.

UseEmbedded indicates the use of an existing thumbnail. If UseEmbedded is True and AFileName has a thumbnail, then the existing thumbnail of the file is used. In this case, AFitWidth and AFitHeight are ignored. If no thumbnail is found, then one is generated with the specified size. If UseEmbedded is False, a thumbnail is generated with the specified size.

LoadThumbnailFromFile returns True if the thumbnail was loaded, and False otherwise.

When calling LoadThumbnailFromFile, the method of the proper decoder will be called automatically.

See Also