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function ItemByScale(const AScale: Single; const ExactMatch: Boolean;  const IncludeEmpty: Boolean): TCustomBitmapItem;


TCustomBitmapItem* __fastcall ItemByScale(const float AScale, const bool ExactMatch, const bool IncludeEmpty);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.MultiResBitmap TCustomMultiResBitmap


Returns a bitmap item having the specified scale from the current multi-resolution bitmap.

ItemByScale searches for a bitmap item having the specified AScale scale in the current multi-resolution bitmap:

  • If ExactMatch is True, ItemByScale returns only a bitmap item that exactly matches the specified AScale scale. Otherwise, ItemByScale returns a bitmap item having the most appropriate scale.
  • If IncludeEmpty is True, then ScaleArray can return a bitmap item having an empty bitmap. Otherwise, ScaleArray returns only a bitmap item not having an empty bitmap.

ItemByScale returns the retrieved TCustomBitmapItem bitmap item. If ItemByScale does not find an appropriate bitmap item, then it returns nil.

See Also