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function FindGesture(const AControl: TComponent; AGestureID: TGestureID): TCustomGestureCollectionItem; overload; virtual; abstract;
function FindGesture(const AControl: TComponent; const AName: string): TCustomGestureCollectionItem; overload; virtual; abstract;


virtual TCustomGestureCollectionItem* __fastcall FindGesture(System::Classes::TComponent* const AControl, TGestureID AGestureID) = 0 /* overload */;
virtual TCustomGestureCollectionItem* __fastcall FindGesture(System::Classes::TComponent* const AControl, const System::UnicodeString AName) = 0 /* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
FMX.Types TCustomGestureManager


Finds the collection item holding a gesture given by an ID and associated with a control.

Override FindGesture in descending classes to implement a proper lookup of collection items holding gestures given by an ID and associated with a control. FindGesture is expected to return a TCustomGestureCollectionItem instance if the gesture was found, and nil if the ID was not found or the control does not have a gesture with that ID associated with it.

See Also