System.Bluetooth.TBluetoothLEDevice Fields

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FAdvertisedDataprotectedData advertised by the device.
FAutoConnectprotectedProtected property that determines whether to connect to the remote device as soon as the remote device is available (True) or to connect to the remote device directly (False).
FForceRefreshCachedServicesprotectedProtected field that holds the value of the ForceRefreshCachedServices property.
FLastRSSIprotectedLast scanned RSSI value.
FPairedprotectedProtected field that holds the value of the Paired property.
FScannedprotectedProtected field that holds the value of the Scanned property.
FScannedAdvertiseDataprotectedProtected field that hold the value of the ScannedAdvertiseData property.
FServicesprotectedIt is a list of TBluetoothGattService for the TBluetoothLEDevice.