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function Parse(const Data: TArray<Byte>; const Pos: Integer; UseBool: Boolean = False): Integer; overload;
function Parse(const Data: TArray<Byte>; const Pos: Integer; const Count: Integer; UseBool: Boolean = False): Integer; overload;


int __fastcall Parse(const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Data, const int Pos, bool UseBool = false)/* overload */;
int __fastcall Parse(const System::DynamicArray<System::Byte> Data, const int Pos, const int Count, bool UseBool = false)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.JSON TJSONObject


Parses the given Data byte array and adds the encountered JSON pairs to the pairs of this JSON object.

ParseJSONValue accepts the following parameters:

  • Data is the array of bytes to parse.
  • Pos is a number of bytes to skip at the beginning of Data.
  • Count is the number of bytes to read from Data.
  • UseBool determines whether instances that represent boolean value use the TJSONBool class (True) or the TJSONTrue and TJSONFalse classes (False).

Parse returns a negative number if it finds a syntax error in the specified Data array.

See Also