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procedure Listen(const Address, Service: string; Port: Word; QueueSize: Integer = -1); overload;
procedure Listen(const Endpoint: TNetEndpoint; QueueSize: Integer = -1); overload;


void __fastcall Listen(const System::UnicodeString Address, const System::UnicodeString Service, System::Word Port, int QueueSize = 0xffffffff)/* overload */;
void __fastcall Listen(const TNetEndpoint &Endpoint, int QueueSize = 0xffffffff)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
System.Net.Socket TSocket


Configures the socket to begin accepting incoming connections.

After you call Listen, you must call Accept to actually accept an incoming connection and establish a communication channel with that client.

To specify the endpoint where your socket listens, you must provide either of the following combinations of parameters:

  • An endpoint (Endpoint).
  • An IP address (Address) and a service (Service). You may pass an empty word as Port, as Service is used to determine the port.
  • An IP address (Address) and a port (Port). Pass an empty string as Service, otherwise the specified service name is used to determine the port to use, and the specified port is ignored.

QueueSize determines the maximum length of the queue of pending connections. See listen function in the MSDN. Use -1 for the maximum recommended length of the queue (default).


A call to Bind can raise any of the following exceptions:

Exception Exception.Message Scenarios


Can't create new socket

Can't listen on an open socket

Network socket error: <error message> (<error code>), on API 'bind'

Network socket error: <error message> (<error code>), on API 'listen'

Network socket error: <error message> (<error code>), on API 'socket'

See Also