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function SeekEoln([var F: Text]): Boolean; overload;
function SeekEoln([var F: Text]): Boolean; overload;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public System.pas System System


Returns the end-of-line status of a file, ignoring whitespace.

In Delphi code, call SeekEoln to determine whether there is only whitespace between the file pointer and the end of the current line. SeekEoln moves the file pointer past any whitespace, leaving it positioned at the end of the current line, the end of the file, or on the next nonwhitespace character (whichever comes first). If SeekEoln leaves the file pointer at the end of the current line or at the end of the file, it returns True. Otherwise, it returns False.

SeekEoln can be used only on open text files.

Note: {$I+} handles run-time errors using exceptions. When using {$I-}, use IOResult to check for I/O errors.

See Also

Code Examples