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WideChar* t_str _DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE0 () const   { return (Data)? Data: const_cast<WideChar*>(_D(""));}


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public ustring.h System UnicodeString


Returns UnicodeString data as a const w_char*. This function is deprecated. Please use System.UnicodeString.c_str instead.

The UnicodeString.t_str() function now always returns wchar_t* regardless of the current _TCHAR Mapping.

Note: This change does not affect you if you use _TCHAR mapping = wchar_t.

In recent C++Builder releases in which the default string type is UnicodeString, t_str() returned either:

  • const char* (if _TCHAR was mapped to char)
  • const wchar_t* (if _TCHAR was mapped to wchar_t)

If _TCHAR mapping is set to char, you cannot assign the result of the t_str() function to something that does not support wchar_t (a compiler error is emitted in this case).


In order to use char values, you need to convert the data as follows:

Before XE: mystr.t_str()

Now: AnsiString(mystr).c_str()

See Also