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property OnAdvancedCustomDraw: TLVAdvancedCustomDrawEvent read FOnAdvancedCustomDraw write FOnAdvancedCustomDraw;


__property OnAdvancedCustomDraw;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
Vcl.ComCtrls TListView


Occurs at discrete points during the rendering of the list view.

Vcl.ComCtrls.TListView.OnAdvancedCustomDraw inherits from Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnAdvancedCustomDraw. All content below this line refers to Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView.OnAdvancedCustomDraw.

Occurs at discrete points during the rendering of the list view.

Write an OnAdvancedCustomDraw event handler to customize the painting of the list view at various stages before its items are drawn. Unlike the OnDrawItem event, the list view receives this event even if the OwnerDraw property is False.

Note: OnAdvancedCustomDraw occurs at various stages during the paint process. If you are only writing code to execute immediately prior to rendering the list view, it is more efficient to use the OnCustomDraw event.

See Also