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property OnEdited: TTVEditedEvent read FOnEdited write FOnEdited;


__property OnEdited;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
Vcl.ComCtrls TTreeView


Occurs after the user edits the Text property of a node.

Vcl.ComCtrls.TTreeView.OnEdited inherits from Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomTreeView.OnEdited. All content below this line refers to Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomTreeView.OnEdited.

Occurs after the user edits the Text property of a node.

Write an OnEdited event handler to respond to changes the user makes to the node labels. The Node parameter is the node whose label was edited. The S parameter is the new value of the node's Text property. The node's label can be changed in an OnEdited event handler before the user's edits are committed. This event can occur only if ReadOnly is set to false.

OnEdited is an event handler of type Vcl.ComCtrls.TTVEditedEvent.

See Also