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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TUDClickEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TUDBtnType Button);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Vcl.ComCtrls.hpp Vcl.ComCtrls Vcl.ComCtrls


Type of an OnClick event for an arrow button.

Write an OnClick event handler (type: TUDClickEvent) to take specific action when the user clicks one of the arrow buttons. If the Associate property is not used to automatically update the text of an edit control when the value of Position changes, use the OnClick event handler to respond to changes just before the value of Position is changed.

The Button parameter specifies how the value of Position is about to change. When Button is btNext, the Up or Right arrow was clicked, and the value of Position is about to increase by Increment. When Button is btPrev, the Down or Left arrow was clicked, and the value of Position is about to decrease by Increment.

See Also

Code Examples