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TStaticListAction = class(TCustomStaticListAction)


class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TStaticListAction : public TCustomStaticListAction


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public
Vcl.ListActns Vcl.ListActns


TStaticListAction provides items to client controls.

TStaticListAction supplies items to client controls such as list views, list boxes, or combo boxes. TStaticListAction maintains a list of items in its Items property. This lets you specify, at design time, the items it supplies to clients.

When an application sets the Active property of a list action to true, the action fills all client controls with items. Each item may include text, an image, and a pointer to data. Each client control determines which of these features of the item it accepts.

When the user selects an item in one of the client controls, the client "executes" the list action, which causes it to generate an OnItemSelected event.

When a TStaticListAction is added to an action manager, it uses the action to generate a drop-down list on a tool bar.

See Also