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typedef void __fastcall (__closure *THTMLFormatCellEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, int CellRow, int CellColumn, Web::Httpprod::THTMLBgColor &BgColor, Web::Httpprod::THTMLAlign &Align, Web::Httpprod::THTMLVAlign &VAlign, System::UnicodeString &CustomAttrs, System::UnicodeString &CellData);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
typedef public Web.DBWeb.hpp Web.DBWeb Web.DBWeb


THTMLFormatCellEvent is the type of event handlers that customize the appearance of cells in an HTML table.

Sender is the producer component that is generating the HTML table.

CellRow and CellColumn specify the cell that is about to be generated, where the table header is CellRow 0, and the first column is CellColumn 0.

BgColor, Align, VAlign, and CustomAttrs represent the default display properties for the cell, taken from the THTMLTableColumn object for the column in which the cell appears. See the corresponding entries for these properties of the THTMLTableColumn object for more information on these values.

CellData is the text that appears in the cell.

The event handler can change any or all of these values to specify the way the cell should appear in the final HTML table.

See Also