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TNodeType = (ntReserved, ntElement, ntAttribute, ntText, ntCData,
ntEntityRef, ntEntity, ntProcessingInstr, ntComment, ntDocument,
ntDocType, ntDocFragment, ntNotation);


enum DECLSPEC_DENUM TNodeType : unsigned char { ntReserved, ntElement, ntAttribute, ntText, ntCData, ntEntityRef, ntEntity, ntProcessingInstr, ntComment, ntDocument, ntDocType, ntDocFragment, ntNotation };


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
enum public
Xml.XMLIntf Xml.XMLIntf


TNodeType identifies the type of a node in an XML document.

TNodeType identifies the type of a node in an XML document. The following table lists the possible values:

Value Meaning


Not used


The node represents an element. Element nodes represent simple tags that have child nodes. (Note that sometimes these child nodes do not appear when using IXMLNode. For example child nodes of type ntText are typically hidden by IXMLNode and appear only as the value of the Text property). The child nodes of an element node can have the following node types: ntElement, ntText, ntCData, ntEntityRef, ntProcessingInstr, and ntComment. Element nodes can also have attributes (ntAttribute). Element nodes can be the child of a node of type ntDocument, ntDocFragment, ntEntityRef, and ntElement.


The node represents an attribute of an element. It is not the child of another node, but its value can be accessed using the Attribute property of the element node's IXMLNode interface. An attribute node can have child nodes of type ntText and ntEntityRef.


The node represents the text content of a tag. A text node cannot have any child nodes, but can appear as the child node of a node of type ntAttribute, ntDocFragment, ntElement, or ntEntityRef.


The node represents a CDATA section in the XML source. CDATA sections identify blocks of text that would otherwise be interpreted as markup. An ntCData node can't have any child nodes. They can appear as the child of an ntDocFragment, ntEntityRef, or ntElement node.


The node represents a reference to an entity in the XML document. This can be any type of entity, including character entity references. The children of an entity reference node can be of the following types: ntElement, ntProcessingInstr, ntComment, ntText, ntCData, and ntEntityRef. The entity reference node can appear as the child of an ntAttribute, ntDocFragment, ntElement, or ntEntityRef node.


The node represents an expanded entity. Entity nodes can have child nodes that represent the expanded entity (for example, ntText and ntEntityRef nodes). Entity nodes only appear as the child of an ntDocType node.


The node represents a processing instruction (PI) from the XML document. A PI node cannot have any child nodes, but can appear as the child node of a node of type ntDocument, ntDocFragment, ntElement, or ntEntityRef.


The node represents a comment in the XML document. Comment nodes do not have child nodes. They appear as the child of an ntDocument, ntDocFragment, ntElement, or ntEntityRef node.


The node represents a document object, which is the root of the entire XML document. Document nodes have a single ntElement node as a child (the DocumentElement). In addition, they can have child nodes of type ntProcessingInstr, ntComment, and ntDocType. Because the document is the root of the XML document, it never appears as a child node.


The node represents the document type declaration, indicated by the <!DOCTYPE > tag. The document type node can child nodes of type ntNotation and ntEntity. It always appears as the child of the document node.


The node represents a document fragment. A document fragment node associates a node or subtree with a document without actually being contained in the document. Document fragment nodes can have child nodes of type ntElement, ntProcessingInstr, ntComment, ntText, ntCData, and ntEntityRef. It never appears as the child of another node.


A node represents a notation in the document type declaration. It always appears as the child of an ntDocType node and never has any child nodes.