Data.DBXCommon.TDBXParameter Properties

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AutoIncrementpublicGets the value that determines whether or not this describes an autoincrement value.
ChildPositionpublicUsed by TDBXParameter instances. Child position of Oracle ADT and Array types
DataTypepublicValue data type.
DisplayNamepublicCaption for value.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
HiddenpublicGets or sets whether the value is hidden or not.
LiteralpublicUsed to mark parameter as a literal value.
NamepublicName for this value.
NullablepublicDetermines whether or not a parameter can be set to null.
OrdinalpublicOrdinal position of this value.
ParameterDirectionpublicGets or sets the direction of a parameter.
PrecisionpublicThe maximum number of digits allowed in the parameter.
ReadOnlypublicTrue if this TDBXValueType is read-only.
ScalepublicThe maximum number of digits used to represent the property.
SearchablepublicTrue if this TDBXValueType is searchable.
SizepublicThe size of the parameter value in bytes.
SubTypepublicData sub-type.
TypeNamepublicName of parameter type.
ValuepublicUsed to read and write parameter values.
ValueParameterpublicUsed internally to mark server method parameter descendant of TDBXWritableValue.
ValueTypeFlagspublicTDBXValue metadata for TDBXReader.