System.Tether.AppProfile.TTetheringAppProfile Events

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OnAcceptResourcepublishedOccurs when there is an incoming resource to determine whether the incoming resource is accepted or not.
OnActionUpdatedpublishedOccurs when the application profile receives a notification about the update of an action sent from a remote application profile.
OnAfterReceiveDatapublishedPreprocessing of the data that occurs when the application profile receives data from a remote application profile.
OnAfterReceiveStreampublishedPreprocessing of the input stream data that occurs when the application profile receives a stream data from the remote application profile.
OnASyncRemoteActionEndpublishedOccurs when the asynchronous remote action finishes.
OnBeforeSendDatapublishedPost processing of the data that occurs before the application profile sends data to the remote application profile.
OnBeforeSendStreampublishedPost processing of the stream data that occurs before the application profile sends the stream to the remote application profile.
OnDisconnectpublishedOccurs when your profile is disconnected from a connected remote profile.
OnRemoteProfileUpdatepublishedOccurs when a connected remote profile notifies an update.
OnResourceReceivedpublishedOccurs when the application profile receives a previously-accepted remote resource from a remote profile.
OnResourceUpdatedpublishedOccurs when the application profile receives a notification about the update of a resource sent from a remote application profile.